
【学术会议】Emerging Issues of the Polar Regions

[ 发布时间]: 2017-02-13 [ 来源]: [ 阅读]:2909次

International Workshop:

Law and Governance: Emerging Issues of the Polar Regions: 

20-21 June 2017

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai, China  

Call for Abstracts (deadline): 15 March 2017 (250-400 words)

Draft papers (deadline): 15 May 2017 (5000-8000 words)

Center for Polar and Deep Ocean Development, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, working with Polar Research Institute of China, will be hosting an international workshop on “Law and Governance: emerging issues of the polar regions” at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, in Shanghai, China, 20-21 June 2017.

The Center for Polar and Deep Ocean Development, established in July 2013, is a centre of excellence in the study of the Arctic and Antarctica. Our research covers social and natural sciences, is often interdisciplinary: polar law, polar politics and governance, deep ocean mining, Arctic shipping and so on. The center’s mission is to enhance the understanding of the polar regions through scholarly research, educate new generations of polar researchers, submit policy notes to relevant government agencies. 

Recently, some new issues are emerging and the governance of polar regions is faced with new challenges: the environmental risks posed by rapidly increasing tourism; increased possibility of the opening up and commercialization of Arctic shipping with the accelerated melting of Arctic sea ice and global warming; increased economic activity in polar regions in areas such as Antarctic bioprospecting which have the potential to destabilize the order of the Antarctic Treaty System; the great powers’ growing presence in the polar regions and increasing engagement with polar governance, etc. These issues need to be examined and explored from the perspectives of law and governance. 

The workshop wishes to bring together scholars, experts and policymakers from all over the world to share their ideas. The workshop encourages short presentations (10 minutes) in order to leave plenty of scope for discussion and interaction with participants. A conference proceeding report will be produced following the workshop. 

Possible topics could include:

Climate change Impact on Arctic shipping and Resource Exploitation

New dynamics and relevant legal issues of offshore continental shelf   claims in the polar regions

Conservation of Marine Living Resources in the Polar Regions 

The evolution and challenges of the polar governance regimes/systems 

Key players’ Polar Policies and Practices 

China’s Role in the Polar Governance

Other topics of circumpolar relations, Arctic geopolitics and security, northern peoples, Antarctic politics and other burning issues on the ice will also be welcome. We also welcome papers on all facets of the polar regions. 

Abstracts should be 250-400 words and include author name(s), institutional affiliation and article title, be sent to Ms. HE Liu (heliuholly@sjtu.edu.cn). The deadline for abstracts is 15 March 2017. Notice of acceptance will be provided on 1 April 2017. Articles need to be submitted by 15 May 2017. Those selected to present their papers at the workshop will be funded for travel costs and accommodation.

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