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[ 发布时间]: 2016-02-27 [ 来源]: [ 阅读]:10023次





地址:上海市闵行区东川路800号密西根大楼南1-2楼, 邮编200240

Email: albanyliudan@163.com; liudan2015@sjtu.edu.cn 


刘丹,上海交通大学凯原法学院海洋法治研究中心,副研究员,法学博士,硕士生导师。现为中国国际法学会理事,上海市法学会海洋法治研究会常务理事。兼任《海洋法学研究》执行主编。研究方向为海洋法、国际公法、国际环境法、极地法律与政策。海外经历包括国际海洋法法庭法律部实习(2006)、荷兰莱顿大学“格劳秀斯中心”国际法培训(2009)、美国奥尔巴尼法学院访学(2010)、新加坡国立大学东亚研究所访问学者(2014)、冰岛Stefansson Arctic Institute访问学者(2015-2016)。  

科研方面,代表专著为《海洋生物资源保护的国际法》(2012)。在“Marine Policy”《中国国际法年刊》《太平洋学报》《国际法研究》《武大国际法评论》等发表二十余篇中英文论文,多次受邀在国内外国际会议做主题发言。长期为《环球时报》、“澎湃新闻”、《文汇报》等媒体撰写海洋问题时评,接受《环球时报》《南方周末》“澎湃新闻”《中国时报》等境内外媒体有关海洋问题的采访。近期有关岛屿争端的研究获“国家社科基金青年项目”和“中国博士后科学基金第53批面上项目”资助,还主持上海交大文理交叉项目和上海高校智库项目两项、国家海洋局海洋发展战略研究所项目三项、上海日本研究交流中心项目两项,自2009年起参与国家社科重大项目和中国太平洋学会重大项目等多个课题组的研究。此外,独立撰写的多篇有关海洋问题的政策要报获上级批示或采纳。

授课方面,曾任职上海对外经贸大学法学院(2003-2015),讲授国际公法(全英文)、世界贸易组织法(双语)、国际争端解决法、国际环境法等本科生课程,为法学硕士和法律硕士讲授“国际公法专题”(全英文)。主讲的《国际公法》课程在2013年获“上海市全英文示范课程”称号。2006至2011年任该校Jessup国际法模拟法庭大赛代表队教练,代表队曾获国内赛总分一等奖和“最佳书状奖”。2008至2012年任同济大学经管学院留学生SEM/IEDE项目中国法主讲教师、IMBA项目“Foreign Related Legal Environment in China”课程客座教授。




2008.9—2011.6     博士(国际法),复旦大学法学院,上海

2001.9—2003.6     硕士(国际法),韩国国际法律经营大学,韩国首尔

1994.9—1998.6     本科(国际经济法),中国政法大学国际经济法系,北京     


2015.12-2016.1    冰岛Stefansson Arctic Institute,访问学者

2014.7-9          新加坡国立大学东亚研究所, 访问研究员

2012.9-2015.7     华东政法大学博士后流动站,博士后研究人员

2003.9-2015.6     上海对外经贸大学法学院,副教授

2010.8-12         美国奥尔巴尼法学院(Albany Law School),访问学者

2009.7            荷兰莱顿大学格劳修斯中心Marie Curie Summer School,国际法培训

2006.3-5          国际海洋法法庭(ITLOS)法律部,德国汉堡,实习


《海洋生物资源保护的国际法》, 上海人民出版社2012版



Dan Liu, the Antarctic Whaling Case and the International Law on the Regulation of Whaling, In Myron Nordquist eds., International Marine Economy: Law and Policy, Brill, 2017.















Dan Liu, the East China Sea Continental Shelf Dispute:Preceding Cases, Delimitation Principles and Prospect of the Dispute,《海大法律评论》2007年第1期;


《浅析中国WAPI标准与WTO TBT协议》,《WTO动态与研究》2005年第1期。



Dan Liu & Ling Zhu, Assessing China's Legislation on Compensation for Marine Ecological Damage: A Case Study of the Bohai Oil Spill, Marine Policy 50(2014), pp.18-26. 












2013年7月25日,《中国应明确海警使用武力权限 军队应及时跟进》,载《环球时报》2013年7月25日第14版;



Oct 5-10, 2016, Ren Yuanyuan and Dan LIU, “A Rule Follower, a Challenger, or a Learner? Recasting China’s Engagement in the Arctic” (panelist), Akureyri and Reykjavik, Iceland: 9th Polar Law Symosium. 

2016. 7.28,“南海仲裁案裁决国际法评析”(报告人),“中日关系与亚太海洋安全秩序”国际研讨会,南京:南京大学南海协同创新中心主办;

2016.7.12,“China’s position on environmental issues in the South China Sea” (panelist), 6th CSIS Annual Conference on South China Sea, Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies;

2016.5,“The Notion of Indigenous Peoples under International Law: Past, Present and Future”(panelist),加拿大魁北克市:2014年第四届中国-加拿大北极交流合作研讨会(The Fourth Sino-Canadian Arctic Exchange);


May 26-28, 2015, The Application of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Polar Regions: Legal Issues and the Prospects (presenter), Shanghai: Third Nordic-Arctic Cooperation Symposium ; 

2014.9.21,“菲律宾诉中国南海仲裁案的国际法分析”(主旨报告), 上海市社会科学界第十二届学术年会主题专场——“中国海洋强国战略的目标与路径”研究会议,上海社会科学院中国海洋战略研究中心和上海市海洋湖沼学会海洋战略与权益专业委员会承办;

2014.8,Privateer of the Netherlands, Grotius’ Writing on Prize Law, and the Progressive Evolution of Modern International Law(会议论文),上海:“人海相依:中国人的海洋世界”国际学术研讨会,中国海外交通史研究会主办、上海中国航海博物馆承办;

May 12-13, 2014, “The Application of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Arctic: Legal Issues and the Prospects”(panelist),2014年第三届中国-加拿大北极交流合作研讨会(The Third Sino-Canadian Arctic Exchange),上海交通大学极地与深海发展战略研究中心承办、国家海洋局海洋战略研究所协办;

23 Aug 2014, “South China Sea Arbitration Case (The Philippines v China): Current Development and Trends” (presenter), Seminar, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore; 

20 Aug 2014, “Assessment on the Judicial Settlement of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Dispute” (presenter), Seminar, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), National Technological University, Singapore;


2013.5.13-15,Revisiting the Chinese Legislation on Compensation for Marine Ecological Damages: Lesson Learned from 2011 Bohai Oil Spill (Speaker and The panelist), 海洋经济与海洋强国建设国际研讨会,浙江杭州:浙江大学主办;

2013.7.7-9,“领土争端解决判例中的关键日期因素及对钓鱼岛争端的启示” (发言人),钓鱼岛历史与主权学术会议, 福州:福建师范大学闽台区域研究中心主办;



2011.8, International Disputes of Marine Living Resources, 3rd Biennial Conference of Asian Society of International Law: Asia and International Law (speaker and the panelist), 北京:亚洲国际法学会主办、中国国际法学会承办。





2015.11,中国-北欧北极中心2015年访问学者项目资助(CNARC Fellowship Program for Year 2015);

2013.6-12, 主持上外贸085工程建设项目——《钓鱼岛条约法研究》;


2013.5-2-2015.6, 主持中国博士后科学基金第53批面上资助——《琉球国际法地位问题研究》(2013M531152);

2012.12-2013.12, 主持国家海洋局海洋发展战略研究所委托项目——《琉球托管问题研究》;


2012.6-12, 主持上海日本研究交流中心委托项目——《钓鱼岛国际诉讼的可行性研究》;

2012.3-12, 主持国家海洋局海洋战略研究所委托项目——《关于领土争端中的关键日期和时际法因素的考察》;




2008.4 -2010.4,主持上海市“优青”项目《从WTO技术性贸易壁垒角度看欧盟“双绿”指令-兼议我国立法对策》。





2010年10月, 获上海对外经贸大学“双语教学优秀教学质量奖”;


2016.7, 《中菲南海仲裁核心程序法问题评析》获中国海洋法学会第一届优秀论文评选三等奖。

Associate Research Fellow, Centre for Ocean Law Studies (http://colp.sjtu.edu.cn) 

Associate Professor, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (http://law.sjtu.edu.cn/)

Nationality: P.R. China 

E-mail: liudan2015@sjtu.edu.cn 

Affiliation to the ASIL: Council Member, Chinese Society of International Law

Research areas: Law of the Sea, Territorial Dispute, International Environmental Law, Polar Law and Policy


LIU Dan is currently Associate Research Fellow, Centre for Polar and Deep Ocean Development & Associate Professor, KoGuan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She is currently council member with Chinese Society of International Law, executive editor-in-chief for the Law of the Sea Studies. Her research areas include the Law of the Sea, Territorial Dispute, International Environmental Law, Polar Law and Policy. 

Dr. LIU received her Bachelor of Law from China University of Political Science and Law, Master of Law from Transnational Law and Business University in Korea, and Ph.D. of Law from Fu Dan University in Shanghai. She used to serve as intern for Legal Department, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, her overseas experiences also include working as visiting fellow at Stefansson Arctic Institute of Iceland in 2015, East Asia Institute in National University of Singapore in 2014, and Albany Law School of the U.S. in 2010. 

Dr. LIU is the author of the monograph named “International Law on Marine Living Resources” (2012). Her publications have appeared in journals both in English and Chinese, such as Marine Policy, Chinese Yearbook of International Law, the Pacific Journal, etc. She has been principle organizer of several research programmes concerning Territorial Disputes and the Law of the Sea, amongst the recent one was granted by the National Social Science Foundation of China. Dr. Dan LIU has also contributed to newspapers such as the Global Times, The Papers, Wen Hui News and China Ocean News. She has taught Public International Law, International Environmental law, Dispute Settlement Mechanism, and Chinese Investment Law for MA students and EMBA students from Europe, the U.S., and the Latin American countries.


Sep 2008-June 2011, PHD of International Law, Fu Dan University, Shanghai, P.R China

Sep 2001-Jun 2003, LLM (Major in International Law), Transnational Law and Business University (TLBU), Korea

Sep 1994-Jun 1998, LLB (Major in International Economic Law), Department of International Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Beijing


Dec 2015-Jan 2016, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland, visiting research fellow

Sep 2002-May 2015, Law School, Shanghai University of International Business and Trade, law faculty 

July-Aug, 2014, East Asia Institute, National University of Singapore, visiting research fellow

Aug-Dec 2010, Albany Law School, U.S., visiting scholar 

June-July 2009, Marie Curie Summer School, Global Training Program on International Criminal Law for PhD Candidates, Grotius Centre of Leiden University, the Hague, the Netherlands 

March-May 2006, Legal Office, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), Hamburg, Germany, intern

Oct-Dec 2004, Consultation Department, Shanghai WTO Consultation Centre, China, intern



1. Dan LIU (2012), International Law on the Protection of Marine Living Resource, Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House 2012 

2. Dan LIU (2018), Territorial Disputes Over Diaoyu Islands Viewed from International Law (forthcoming)

Journal Articles & Book Chapters 

1. Dan LIU (2017), The Antarctic Whaling Case and the International Law on the Regulation of Whaling, In Myron Nordquist eds., International Marine Economy: Law and Policy, Brill, 2017 (forthcoming).

2. Dan LIU (2016), Article 298 (Optional Exceptions) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Evaluation on the Jurisdiction Issue of the South China Sea Arbitration, Chinese Review of International Law, Vol. 6, 2016. 

3. Dan LIU (2016), The Historical and Legal Status of Pre-modern Ryukyus and the Sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands, China Oceans Law Review, Vol. 24, 2016.

4. Jing GUO and Dan LIU (2016), On Archipelagic Theory and the Practise of Continental Countries on the Outlying Archepelagos, South China Sea Studies, Vol.2 , No.2, 2016. 

5. Dan LIU and Zhengqing DAI (2016), Legal Issues of Island Construction and Building under International Law: A Related Analysis of Environmant&sustainable Development on the Martimes Features of the South China Sea, International Law Review of Wuhan University, Vol.19, No.2, 2016.

6. Dan LIU (2016),  Preliminary Observation on the Procedural Issues of the South China Sea Arbitration Case, Chinee Yearbook of International Law, June 2016 (Beijing : Law Press, 2016) 

7. Dan LIU and Ling Zhu (2014), Assessing China's legislation on compensation for marine ecological damage: A case study of the Bohai oil spill, 50 Marine Policy 2014, 18-26. 

8. Dan LIU (2014), The Admissibility Issue of the South China Sea Arbitration and Its Impact on the Third Parties, Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law, Vol.4, 2014.

9. Dan LIU (2014), The South China Sea Arbitration: Default Procedure, Social Observation, Vol. 5, 2014. 

10. Dan LIU (2013), The “Critical Date” in Judicial Decisions of the Territorial Disputes and Its Enlightenment on Diaoyu Islands Dispute, Pacific Journal, Vol. 7, 2013. 

11. Dan LIU (2012), Ryukyu Trusteeship Viewed from International Law: A Related Analysis of the Sovereignty Problem of Diaoyu Islands, Pacific Journal, Vol. 20, No. 12, 2012, pp. 82-97. 

12. Dan LIU (2012), Interaction of Jessup Moot Court and the Bilingual Teaching of International Law: Exploration and Practice, Journal of Yunnan University (Law Edition), Vol. 5, 2012. 

13. Dan LIU (2012), The Philippine Sovereign Claims over Scarborough Shoal: Loopholes from the Angle of International Law, Social Observation, Vol. 6, 2012.  

14. Dan LIU (2012), International Law on the Regulation of Commercial Whaling, International Law Review of Wuhan University, Vo. 12, No. 1, 2012. 

15. Dan LIU (2012), Legal Problems of the Compensation on Marine Ecological Damages: Angle of Oil Spill in Bo Hai Bay, Hebei Law Science, Vol. 4, 2012. 

16. Dan LIU (2011), Global Governance on Piracy: An Angel of the Law of the Sea, Exploration and Free Views, Vol. 10, 2011. 

17. Dan LIU (2011), Application of International Law in the International Commercial Arbitration, Law Edition Journal of Yunnan University, Vol. 5, 2011. 

18. Dan LIU (2011), Study on the International Disputes of Marine Living Resource, Hebei Law Science, Vol. 8, 2011. 

19. Dan LIU (2009), Inter-temporal Law and the China-related Marine Territorial Disputes, Jin Ling Law Review, Vol. 2, 2009. 

20. Dan LIU (2007), Maritime Delimitation in the East China Sea: Preceding Cases, Delimitation Principles and Prospect of the Disputes, Law Review of Shanghai Maritime University, Vol. 1, 2007. 

21. Dan LIU (2005), Analysis on China’s WAPI Standard in Relation with the WTO-TBT Agreement, World Trade Organization Focus, Vol. 8, 2005. 

22. Dan LIU (2005), Analysis on Trade of Services under the CEPA Framework from the Angle of International Law, World Organization Focus, Vol. 1, 2005.   

Contribution for Newspaper or New Media

1. Dan LIU (2016), “Comment on the UVV Accident from the Angle of International Law”, The Papers (http://www.thepaper.cn/), 12 Dec, 2016.

2. Dan LIU (2016), “Diplomatic Lawfare for the South China Sea Dispute: Balancing between Diplomatic Argument and Legal Reasoning”, the Global Times (http://www.globaltimes.cn/), 24 June, 2016.

3. Dan LIU (2016), “Feasibility Study on the Proposal of Offshore Companies Registration Centre on Woody Islands”, The Papers, 14 Mar, 2016. 

4. Dan LIU (2013), “Advancing Concrete Cooperation between China and ASEAN”, Wen Hui News (http://whb.news365.com.cn/), 12 Oct, 2013. 

5. Dan LIU (2013), “Future Authority of China Coastal Guard Needs to be Clarified”, the Global Times, July 25, 2013. 


1. Ren Yuanyuan and Dan LIU, Oct 5-10, 2016, “A Rule Follower, a Challenger, or a Learner? Recasting China’s Engagement in the Arctic” (panelist), Akureyri and Reykjavik, Iceland: 9th Polar Law Symposium. 

2. Dan LIU, July 12, 2016, “China’s position on environmental issues in the South China Sea” (panelist), 6th Annual Conference on the South China Sea, Washington., U.S.: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

3. Dan LIU, May 2016, “The Notion of Indigenous Peoples under International Law: Past, Present and Future” (panelist), Quebec city: The Fourth Sino-Canadian Arctic Exchange. 

4. Dan LIU, May 26-28, 2015, “The Application of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Polar Regions: Legal Issues and the Prospects” (panelist), Shanghai: Third Nordic-Arctic Cooperation Symposium. 

5. Dan LIU, “Revisiting the Chinese Legislation on Compensation for Marine Ecological Damages: Lesson Learned from 2011 Bohai Oil Spill” (panelist), Hong Kong: International Forum on Shipping, Port and Airports (IFSPA 2013), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, June 3-5, 2013.  

6. Dan LIU, “International Disputes of Marine Living Resources”, Beijing: 3rd Biennial Conference of Asian Society of International Law: Asia and International Law, August, 2011, Speaker and the Panelist. 

7. Dan LIU, WTO SCM Agreement and the ‘Countermeasures’ on International Law, Shanghai: WTO Annual Conference, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). 

8. Dan LIU, Academic contribution for the Discussion on the Issue of Counter-piracy Initiatives and Policy Solution, Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Clingendael, The Hague, July 8, 2009. 

9. Dan LIU, Treaty Basis of the China-U.S.-Japan Triangle Relations, Beijing: the 2008 International Law Forum, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Dec.2008, Speaker and the Panelist. 

Language ability 

Chinese: native language 

English: full professional proficiency

French: limited working proficiency

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