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[ 发布时间]: 2016-02-29 [ 来源]: [ 阅读]:8250次

仵彦卿,男,上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师。研究方向:1、土壤与地下水模拟与污染修复;2、流域水资源与水环境模拟;3、海洋环境;4、岩土水力学与地质环境;5、生态地下水文学; 6、同位素水文学2006年1月~2012年2月任环境科学与工程学院执行院长。生态与地下环境研究所所长,中国科学院1997年“百人计划”入选者,陕西省1997年“三五人才”入选者,国际水文地质学家协会会员(IAH), 国际环境水文家协会会员(IAEH),《地球科学进展》编委,上海市第六届学位委员会学科评议组成员,上海市城乡建设与交通第七届科技委员会委员,上海市2007-2008年,2009-2010年科技预见专家,中国环境科学学会理事,上海市环境科学学会理事兼副秘书长,上海市闵行区环境科学学会理事长。曾任上海交通大学术委员会委员、学位委员会委员以及教学委员会委员,中国环境科学学会土壤与地下水专业委员会委员,上海市环境科学学会土壤与地下水环境分会会长。出版著作9部,发表学术论文260余篇,获得省部级科技进步奖3项。


1982年8月~1990年1月,在长安大学任助教、讲师,主讲《地下水动力学》、《地下水数值模拟》、《专门水文地质》课程;1992年10月~1995年7月,在成都理工大学任副教授、教授;1995年8月~2004年1月,在西安理工大学任教授(1998年3月~2004年1月任水电学院副院长),主讲《岩体水力学》、《多孔介质流体动力学》、《防灾减灾工程》、《工程地质分析原理》,1996年1月经机械工业部批准为博士生导师;1998年6月~2006年12月,任中国科学院寒区旱区环境工程研究所 研究员,博士生导师;2004年2月至今,上海交通大学教授、博士生导师,主讲《多孔介质污染物迁移动力学》、《土壤与地下水污染修复》、《环境污染数值模拟》。

1997年12月-1998年1月日本大学和日本地质调查所访问学者,2013年8月受邀参加美国基金委员会“Nexues of Energy, Water, Climate and Air Pullution ”计划项目学术研讨会,并作大会邀请报告。与美国普林斯顿大学和亚利桑那大学、日本名古屋大学和九州大学、奥地利国家科学院合作主持国际会议5次。先后访问澳大利亚悉尼大学和科廷大学,美国普林斯顿大学、杜克大学、密歇根大学、威斯康辛大学、密歇根州立大学、南加州华人环保协会,日本大阪大学、名古屋大学、九州大学、中央大学、日本霞山会,韩国延世大学、庆熙大学和釜山大学,巴西圣保罗州立大学,新加坡南洋理工大学,印度尼西亚万隆理工学院,台湾大学、新竹交通大学和东海大学,参加学术会议及学术交流活动,多次作邀请报告。







2. 仵彦卿,地下水环境监测网优化方法与实践,中国环境出版社,2015年6月

3. 仵彦卿,可再生能源与二氧化碳地质储存,上海交通大学出版社,2015年10月

4. 仵彦卿,多孔介质渗流与污染物迁移数学模型,科学出版社,2012年1月


6. 仵彦卿, 岩土水力学,科学出版社,2009年4月

7. 仵彦卿, 多孔介质污染物迁移动力学,上海交通大学出版社,2007年2月

8. 仵彦卿、张倬元, 岩体水力学导论, 西南交通大学出版社, 1995年

9. 仵彦卿、李俊亭、张倬元, 地下水动态观测网的优化设计, 成都科技大学出版社, 1993年



1. Ronggao Qin,Yanqing Wu, Numerical modeling of contaminant transport in a stratified heterogeneous aquifer with dipping anisotropy, Hydrogeology Journal, 2013, 21:1235-1246,SCI

2. Wu Yanqing, Mechanism analysis of hazards caused by the interaction between groundwater and geo-environment, Environmental Geology,2003,44:811–819(SCI, IF 1.127)

3. Wu Yanqing,Optimal design of groundwater monitoring network in Daqing, China, Environmental Geology,2004, 45(4):527-535(SCI, IF 1.127)

4. Wu Yanqing, X Wen, Y Zhang,Analysis of the exchange of groundwater and river water by using Radon-222 in the middle Heihe Basin of northwestern China,Environmental Geology, 2004,45:647–653(SCI, IF 1.127)

5. Wu Yanqing, Parameter identification of a leakage aquifer system in Daqing region of China using model of coupled FEM and Kalman filter, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2005, 21:675-690  (SCI, IF 1. 754)

6. Changwen Ma, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者),Chengxin Sun, Leonora Lee, Adsorption characteristics of perchloroethylene in natural sandy materials with low organic carbon content, Environmental Geology, 2007,  52(8): 1511-1519(SCI, IF 1.127)

7. XH Wen, YQ Wu, LJE Lee, JP Su, Groundwater flow modeling in the Zhangye Basin, Northwestern China,  Environmental Geology, 2007, 53(1): 77-84(SCI, IF 1.127)

8. Jun Wu, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Jian Lu, Leonora Lee, Field investigations and laboratory simulation of clogging in Lixi tailings dam of Jinduicheng, China,  Environmental Geology, 2007, 53(2): 387-397(SCI, IF 1.127)

9. Jun Wu,Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Jian Lu, Laboratory study of the clogging process and factors affecting clogging in a tailings dam, Environmental Geology,2008,54(5): 1067-1074(SCI, IF 1.127)

10. Changwen Ma, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Dechlorination of perchloroethylene using zero-valent metal and microbial community, Environmental Geology,2008,55(1):47-54(SCI, IF 1.127)

11. Qiang An,Yanqing Wu(通讯作者),Shauna Taylor Bin Zhao, Influence of the Three Gorges Project on saltwater intrusion in the Yangtze River Estuary, Environmental Geology,2009,56:1679–1686(SCI, IF 1.127)

12. X H Wen, Y Q Wu and J Wu,Hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Zhangye Basin, Northwestern China,Environmental Geology,2008,55(8):1713-1724(SCI, IF 1.127)

13.Qiang An, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者),Jinhui Wang,Zhien Li,Heavy metals and polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments of the Yangtze river estuary, China,Environ Earth Sci., 2009.11,59(2): 363-370(SCI, IF 1.059)

14. Qiang An, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者),Jinhui Wang,Zhien Li,Assessment of dissolved heavy metal in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent sea, China,Environ Monit Assess,2010,164:173-187 (SCI, IF 1.40)

15. Y. H. Zhang,X. F. Song,Y. Q. Wu,Use of oxygen-18 isotope to quantify flows in the upriver,and middle reaches of the Heihe River, Northwestern China,Environmental Geology,2009.08,58(3):645-653(SCI, IF 1.127)

16. Yanqing Wu, Changwen Ma,Remediation technology of groundwater contaminated by perchloroethylene,Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 45, Nos. 1/2/3, 2011:176-185 (SCI, IF 0.361)

17. Xu Zengguang, Wu Yanqing,(通讯作者), Wu Jun, Zhong Xiaoqing, A model of seepage field in the tailings dam considering the chemical clogging process, Advances in Engineering Software, 42(2011):426-434(SCI, IF 1.092)

18.Xu Zengguang, WU Yanqing,(通讯作者), YU Fei. A three-dimensional flow and transport modeling of an aquifer contaminated by perchloroethylene subject to multi-PRB remediation. Transport in porous media, DOI: 10.1007/s11242-011-9847-1, 2012, 91(1):319-337(SCI, IF 1.811)

19.Yu Fei, Ma Jie, and Wu Yanqing,(通讯作者), Adsorption of toluene, ethylbenzene and m-xylene on multi-walled carbon nanotubes with different oxygen contents from aqueous solutions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192 (3): 1370-1379(SCI, IF 4.173)

20.Fei Yu, Jie Ma and Yanqing Wu(通讯作者),Adsorption of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene isomers on multi-walled carbon nanotubes oxidized by different concentration of NaOCl, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2012, 6(3): 320-329 (SCI, IF 0.754)

21.Fei Yu, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Jie Ma, Chi Zhang, Adsorption of lead on multi-walled carbon nanotubes with different outer diameters and oxygen contents: kinetics, isotherms and thermodynamics, Journal of Environmental Science, 2013, 25(1) 1–9 (SCI, IF 1.660)

22.Fei Yu, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Jie Ma, Influence of the pore structure and surface chemistry on adsorption of ethylbenzene and xylene isomers by KOH-activated multi-walled carb nanotubes,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 237-238:102-109 (SCI, IF 4.173)

23. Fei Yu, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), X. M. Li, et al., Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of toluene, ethylbenzene and m-xylene adsorption from aqueous solutions onto KOH-activated multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/jf304104z (SCI, IF 2.823)

24. Xiong Ni, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), JunWu, Jian Lu, P. Chris Wilson, Scenario analysis for sustainable development of Chongming Island: Water resources sustainability, Science of the Total Environment 439 (2012) 129–135 (SCI, IF 3.286)

25.Xu Zengguang, Wu Yanqing(通讯作者),Xu Hui,Optimization of a PRB structure with modified chitosan restoring Cr(VI)-contaminated groundwater, Environ Earth Sci., 2013,68:2189-2197 (SCI, IF 1.059)

26. Xiaoqing Zhong, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Bioclogging in porous media under continuous-flow condition, Environ Earth Sci, 2013,68:2417-2425(SCI, IF 1.059)

27. Shen, Y.Q., and Wu, Y.Q. (通讯作者)and Shi, S.H. Reserve assessment and potential exploitation of tidal energy in Shanghai’s sea area of China. Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 37:9, 938-946,2015  (SCI, IF 0.715)

28.Shen, Y.Q. and Wu, Y.Q. (通讯作者), Optimal design of marine environmental monitoring network in Bohai Sea of China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21(12a):3819-3824 (SCI, IF 0.66)

29. Shen, Y.Q. and Wu, Y.Q. (通讯作者), Optimization of marine environmental monitoring sites in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent sea, China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2013,73:92-100 (SCI, IF 1.333)

30. Yonghua Zhu , Liliang Ren, Todd H. Skaggs, Haishen Lü, Zhongbo Yu, Yanqing Wu, Xiuqin Fang, Simulation of Populus euphratica root uptake of groundwater in an arid woodland of the Ejina Basin, China. Hydrological Processes, 2009, 23(17): 2460-2469(SCI, IF 2.488)

31.Yan Zhijie, Li Jinfu, Zhou Yaohe, Wu Yanqing, Indentation-induced crystallization in a metallic glass, Acta Physica Sinica, 2007, 56(2): 999-1003 (SCI, IF 1.027)

32. Yinghua Zhang, Yanqing Wu, Jianping Su, Xiaohu Wen and Famin Liu, Groundwater replenishment analysis by using natural isotopes in Ejina Basin, Northwestern China. Environmental Geology, 2005, 48: 6-14 (SCI, IF 1.127)

33.Wen Xiaohu, Wu Yanqing, Su Jianping, Zhang Yinhua, Liu Famin, Hydrochemical characteristics and salinity of groundwater in the Ejina Basin, Northwestern China, Environmental Geology, 2005, 48(6):665-675 (SCI, IF 1.127)

34. Famin Liu, Yanqing Wu, Honglang Xiao and Qianzhao Gao, Rainwater-harvesting agriculture and water-use efficiency in semi-arid regions in Gansu province, China, Outlook on Agriculture, 2005, 34(3):159-165 (SCI, IF 0.556)

35.Chai Junrui, Li Kanghong, Wu Yanqing and Li Shouyi, Coupled seepage and stress fields in roller compacted concrete dam, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2005, 21:13-21  (SCI, IF 1.754)

36. Chai Junrui, Li Shouyi and Wu Yanqing, Multi-level fracture network model and FE solution for groundwater flow in rock mass, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2005, 43 (2): 202-207  (SCI, IF 1. 024)

37.Chai Junrui, Li Shouyi and Wu Yanqing, Multi-level fracture network model for coupled      seepage and stress fields in rock mass, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2004, 20 (1): 63-74 (SCI, IF 1.754)

38. Yonghua Zhu, Yanqing Wu, San Drake, A survey: obstacles and strategies for the development of groundwater resources in arid inland river basins of Western China, Journal of Arid Environments, 2004, 59: 351-367 (SCI, IF 1.723)

39. Jianping Su, Yanqing Wu, Xiaojun Ma, Gaosen Zhang Huyuan Feng, Yinghua Zhang, Soil Microbial Counts and Identification of Culturable Bacteria in an Extreme by Arid Zone. Folia Microbiologica, 2004, 49(4): 423-429(SCI, IF 0.677)

40. Chai Junrui, Wu Yanqing and Li Shouyi, Analysis of coupled seepage and stress fields in rock mass around the Xiaowan arch dam, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2004, 20: 607-617(SCI, IF 1.754)

41 .LIU Famin, WU Yanqing, SU Jianping, DU Mingwu, Effects of water stress on Haloxylon Ammodendron seedlings in the desert region of Heihe inland river watershed, Gansu Province, China, Journal of Forestry Research, 2003, 14(3): 197-201(SCI, IF 0.767)

42. Ronggao Qin, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Zengguang Xu, Derrick Xie, Chi Zhang,Assessing the impact of natural and anthropogenic activities on groundwater

quality in coastal alluvial aquifers of the lower Liaohe River Plain, NE China,Applied Geochemistry, 2013, 31:142–158(SCI,IF 2.176)

43. Xiaoqing Zhong & Yanqing Wu (通讯作者)& Zengguang Xu, Bioclogging in Porous Media Under Discontinuous Flow Condition, Water Air Soil Pollution,2013, 224:1543 (SCI, IF 1. 625)








(4)甘肃省地质环境研究院委托项目:引哈济党工程苏干湖盆地地下水环境影响评价数学模型,负责人,75万元,2014-03-08~ 2016-12-31

(5)甘肃省地质环境研究院委托项目:敦煌月牙泉恢复补水工程水位预测数学模型研究,负责人,40万元,2013-02-06~ 2014-12-31




1. 刘预, 孙承兴, 余宙, 仵彦卿. 具有Cr离子空穴的吸附树脂的制备方法. 申请公开号:CN 101875003 A。发明专利授权号:ZL200910312497.X

2. 刘预, 孙承兴, 余宙, 仵彦卿. 大单体的制备方法. 申请公开号:CN 101724148 A。发明专利申请号:200910312506.5

3. 刘预, 孙承兴, 余宙, 仵彦卿. 具有二价镉离子和二价铅离子空穴的吸附树脂的制备方法. 申请公开号:CN 101735462 A。发明专利授权号:ZL200910312501.2

4. 刘预, 孙承兴, 徐慧, 仵彦卿. 选择性吸附As+5离子吸附材料及其制备方法. 申请公开号:CN102172514A。发明专利申请号:201110027269.5

5. 刘预, 孙承兴, 徐慧, 仵彦卿. 具有选择性复合吸附树脂的制备方法. 申请公开号:CN 102151554 A。发明专利申请号:201110027267.6

6. 于飞, 仵彦卿. 用于去除水溶液中单环芳香烃的吸附剂及其制备方法. 申请公开号:CN 102120177 A. 发明专利授权号:ZL201010618278.7

7. 于飞, 仵彦卿. 富集水溶液中单环芳香烃可磁性分离的吸附剂及其制备方法. 申请公开号:CN102151549 A。发明专利授权号:ZL201110034244.8

8.于飞, 仵彦卿. 高效吸附水相中单环芳香烃的活化碳纳米管吸附剂. 申请公开号:CN102513060,发明专利申请号:201110359128




陕西府谷县天桥泉域供水水文地质勘探, 获地矿部找矿二等奖,1991,主要贡献者。






1、在西安理工大学指导的博士生柴军瑞 获得2003年陕西省优秀博士论文

2、在上海交通大学指导的博士生于飞 获得2014年上海市优秀博士论文

3、 注重能力和素质,创新人才培养机制,推进环境科学与工程特色专业的建设,上海交通大学教学特等奖,2012年,第6名      




(9) Wu Yanqing, Renewable Energy and CO2 Geological Storage, October, 2015,  Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press

(8) Wu Yanqing,Contaminant Transport Numerical Modelng in Environmental System, June, 2015, Science Press of China

(7) Wu Yanqing, Optimal Design Methods and Practices for Groundwater Environmental Monitoring Network,June,2015,Environmental Press of China

(6) Wu Yanqing, Mathematical Model of flow and Contaminant Transport in Porous media, January, 2012, Science Press of China

(5)Wu Yanqing, Zhang Yinghua, Wen Xiaohu, and Su Jianping, Hydrologic Cycle and Water Resource Modeling in Heihe Basin, Northwestern China, January, 2010, Science Press of China

(4) Wu Yanqing, Geohydraulics, April, 2009, Science Press of China

(3) Wu Yanqing, Contaminant Transport Dynamics in Porous Media, February, 2007, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, China

(2) Wu Yanqing and Zhang Zhuoyuan, 1995, An Introduction to Rock Mass Hydraulics, Southwest Jiaotong University Press, China

(1) Wu Yanqing, Li Junting and Zhang Zhuoyuan, 1993, Optimal Design of Groundwater Regime Observation Network, Press of Chengdu Science and Technology University, China


Jilin University, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology,B.S., 1982;Chang’an University,  Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, M.S., 1988 ;       

Chang’an University,  Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Ph.D.,

2004 Professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University;1998 Professor in Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute of CAS

1995 Professor in Xi’an University of Technology;1995 Professor for Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology in Chengdu University of Technology

1994 Associate Professor for Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology in Chengdu University of Technology;1989 Assistant Professor for Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology in Chang’an University

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