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[ 发布时间]: 2016-02-29 [ 来源]: [ 阅读]:5783次

固定电话: 34207702
电子邮件: meng.zhou @sjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址 : 上海交通大学闵行校区木兰船建大楼,B403
周朦,国家千人教授,上海交通大学海洋研究院院长。1982年本科毕业于清华大学工程力学系,获工学士学位;1984年毕业于中国科学院,获物理海洋硕士学位;1992年毕业于美国纽约州立大学石溪分校(Stony Brook University),获物理海洋博士学位。曾就职于斯克里普斯海洋研究所(Scripps Institution of Oceanography)、明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)和马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校(University of Massachusetts Boston)。2007年欧盟居里夫人人才奖(Marie Curie People Fellow)、2010年法国科学基金会优秀领队奖(Chair of Excellence)和2008年西班牙巴斯克资深科学家奖(Basque Senior Scientist Fellowship)获得者,1992年美国科学基金南极工作勋章(National Science Foundation Antarctic Service Medal)和美国海军南极工作勋章(USA Navy Antarctic Service Medal) 获得者。
项目主持:美国科学基金会南极项目-Seasonal Trophic Role of Euphausia superba (STRES)
首席:法国科研基金 -Excellence For Observation–model Coupling and Ecological Assessment in the Sea (FOCEA)
首席:美国科学基金会南极项目 -Modeling and synthesis study of a natural iron fertilization site in the Southern Drake Passage
代表性论文及专著 (< 10篇)
Zhou, M., Y. Zhu, C.I. Measures, M. Hatta, M. Charette, S. Gille, M. Frants, M. Jiang, B.G. Mitchell, Winter mesoscale circulation on the shelf slope region of the southern Drake Passage, Deep Sea Research II, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.03.041, 2013.
Zhou, M., Y. Zhu, R.D. Dorland & C. Measures, Dynamics of the current system in the southern Drake Passage, Deep Sea Research I 57, 1039–1048, 2010.
Zhou, M., K.S. Tande, Y. Zhu, & S. Basedow, Productivity, trophic levels and size spectra of zooplankton in northern Norwegian shelf regions, Deep–Sea Research II, 56, 1934–1944, 2009.
Zhou, M., P.P. Niiler, Y. Zhu & R.D. Dorland, The western boundary current in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica, Deep Sea Research I, 53, 1244–1252, 2006.
Zhou, M., What determines the slope of a plankton biomass spectrum? Journal of Plankton Research, 28, 437-448, 2006.
Huntley, M.E. & M. Zhou, Influence of animals on turbulence in the sea, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 273: 65–79, 2004.
Zhou, M.  Y. Zhu, S. Putnam & J. Peterson, Mesoscale variability of physical and biological processes in the southeastern Lake Superior, Limnology and Oceanography, 46, 679-688, 2001.
Zhou M., J. Paduan, & P. P. Niiler, The surface currents in the Canary Basin from drifter observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 21,893-21910, 2000.
Zhou, M. & M. E. Huntley, Population dynamics theory of plankton based on biomass spectra.  Marine Ecology Progress Series, 157, 61-73, 1997.
Zhou, M. & M.E. Huntley, The principle of biological attraction, demonstrated by the bio-continuum theory of zooplankton patch dynamics. Journal of Marine Res., 54, 1017-1037, 1996.
Introduction to Oceanography
Applied Statistics
Applied Hydrology
Physical Oceanography
Observations of Marine Physical Processes
Mathematical Methods in Environmental Sciences 
Advanced Numerical Models in Environmental Sciences
2010 法国科学基金会优秀领队奖(Agency of National Research: Chair of Excellence)
2008 西班牙巴斯克资深科学家奖(Basque Senior Scientist Fellowship)
2007 欧盟居里夫人人才奖(European Union Marie Curie People Fellowship)
1992 美国科学基金南极工作勋章(National Science Foundation Antarctic Service Medal)
1992 美国海军南极工作勋章(USA Navy Antarctic Service Medal)

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