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【会议邀请】International Symposium: “Recent Development on the Law of the Sea”

[ 发布时间]: 2018-06-14 [ 来源]: [ 阅读]:3814次

Heightened competition to the usage of ocean space and marine resources have attracted global attention and increased effort has been made in enhancing management measures. It has entailed heated debate not only from the legal and policy perspectives, but also from the practical aspects and implementation challenges. For decades, the international community has been fighting for marine environmental protection and the conservation of marine biological resources. Recent years gathered attention has witnessed on the conservation of marine biological diversity in the areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). Subjects like the governance principle, mechanism on benefit sharing of the marine genetic resources, area-based management tools including marine protected areas, environmental impact assessments, capacity-building and transfer of marine technology have shown great convergence and similar level of divergence.

With regards to the deep seabed area of the high seas water column, a mining code (Mining Code) has been negotiated to regulate the exploitation of the mineral resources. The theoretical and practical issues of the Mining Code have attracted wide attention of the sponsoring states, contractors and environmental groups. The anticipated impact resulted from potential mining activities on the marine environment and biodiversity cause serious concern to the international community about safeguarding the common heritage of mankind. The legal framework of the newly released Draft Mining Code and its relevant regulations such as the mechanism for equitable sharing of the financial benefits, as well as for environmental monitoring regime certainly deserve thorough and systematic consideration.

Along with the melting of sea ice and potential for navigational routes, the cold world of the Arctic has turned into a “hot spot”. Together with the progressive development over the legal and governance matters of the Antarctic Ocean, designation of marine protected areas belongs to another cluster of topics worthwhile in-depth ideal for academic discussion.

Focusing on the current development and ongoing discussions on the aforementioned issues, an international symposium entitled “Recent Development on the Law of the Sea” (the Symposium) will be held on 1-2 November 2018. The symposium will be hosted by the Center for Rule of Ocean Law Studies, and Center for Polar and Deep Ocean Development (http://colp.sjtu.edu.cn), Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The Symposium cordially welcome researchers and scholars with research interest and expertise in the relevant topics to share your views in the format of papers.

It is expected that the Symposium will provide a valuable opportunity to bring together prominent scholars, experts, and practitioners from home and abroad to exchange views on the concurrent issues. The accepted draft papers will be notified and the authors will be invited to present at the Symposium with travel and accommodation cost covered by the organizers. The subsequent proceedings will be published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 

BBNJ and Area Based Management Tools

-- Regulatory principles and institutional gaps

-- New approaches and implementation process

-- Potential elements in the possible “New Agreement”

-- Capacity building and combating IUU fishing

Deep Seabed Mining: Theoretical and Practical Issues

-- Common Heritage of Mankind and legal framework for seabed mining

-- Regulatory mandate and protective regime for mining activities

-- Mechanism for equitable benefits sharing

-- Environmental impact assessment monitoring system

The Polar Regions: Law and Governance

-- Assessment of the existing legal frameworks and initiatives

-- Environmental protection and conservation of marine ecosystem

-- Climate change impact and sustainable development

Draft Papers: 15 August 2018 (no less than 5000 words)

Full Papers: 15 September 2018 (no less than 8000 words)

Event Date: 1-2 November 2018

Event Venue: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

Email Account: oceanlaw@sjtu.edu.cn

Address: 800 Dongchuan Rd., Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China

         1954 Huashan Rd., Xuhui District, Shanghai 200030, China

Tel: +86 21 34207499 (Minhang)

     +86 21 62934083 (Xuhui)

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