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Russian Strategy of the Development of the Arctic Zone and the Provision of National Security until 2020

[ 发布时间]: 2014-09-22 [ 来源]: [ 阅读]:2659次

Russian Strategy of the Development of the Arctic Zone and the Provision of National Security until 2020 (adopted by the President of the Russian Federation on February 8, 2013, № Pr-232)

I. General provisions

1. The development strategy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and national security for the period up to 2020 (hereinafter - the Strategy) was developed in response to the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2020 and Beyond, adopted by the President of the Russian Federation, September 18, 2008 № Pr -1969 (hereinafter - the basics), and subject to the provisions of the basic documents of the state of the strategic planning of the Russian Federation.

2. The strategy defines the basic mechanisms, ways and means to achieve the strategic goals and priorities for the sustainable development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the national security. The strategy aims to implement the sovereignty and national interests of the Russian Federation in the Arctic and contributes to the solution of the main tasks of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic as defined in the Principles.

3. As part of the strategy for consolidating the resources and efforts of all stakeholders of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic (the federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation, whose territory includes all or part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, local authorities and organizations) to address key issues of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the national security in the Arctic.

II. The main risks and threats, the objective of the Strategy

4. The key factors that influence the socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are:

a) extreme climatic conditions, including low temperatures, strong winds and the presence of ice in the waters of the Arctic seas;

b) the localized nature of industrial and economic development of the areas and low population density;

c) the distance from the main industrial centers, high resource use and associated economic activities and livelihoods on supplies from other regions of Russia of fuel, food and essential commodities;

d) low stability of ecological systems, defining the biological balance and climate, and their dependence even from minor anthropogenic influences.

5. The current state of social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is characterized by the following risks and threats:

a) in the social sphere:
• negative demographic trends in most of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation, the outflow of labor (especially skilled) in the southern regions of Russia and abroad;
• Discrepancy network of social services and the nature of the dynamics of settlement, including in education, health, culture, physical education and sport;
• the critical state of housing and communal services, inadequate supply of clean drinking water;
• lack of effective training, the imbalance between supply and demand of labor in the territorial and professionally (shortage of workers and engineering professions and a surplus of unneeded specialists, as well as people with no vocational training);
• Poor quality of life of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russian Federation living in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

b) in the economic sphere:
• lack of Russian modern equipment and technologies for exploration and development of offshore hydrocarbon fields in the Arctic;
• depreciation of fixed assets, in particular transport, industrial and energy infrastructure;
• underdevelopment of basic transport infrastructure, its marine and continental components, aging icebreaker fleet, lack of small aircraft;
• high energy consumption and low efficiency of extraction of natural resources, the costs of production in the northern no effective compensatory mechanisms, low productivity;
• imbalance in economic development between the individual priarkticheskimi territories and regions, a significant gap between the leading and depressed areas in terms of development;
• Insufficient development of navigation and hydrographic and hydrometeorological support of navigation;
• Lack of a comprehensive permanent space monitoring of the Arctic territories and water areas, dependence on foreign sources of funds and information management of all activities in the Arctic (including interaction with aircraft and vessels);
• Lack of modern information and telecommunications infrastructure that permits the provision of services to the population and economic entities across the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;
• lack of development of the energy system, and the irrational structure of generating capacity, high cost of electricity generation and transportation;

c) in the field of science and technology are scarce technical resources and technological capabilities to the study, development and use of the Arctic areas and resources, lack of readiness for the transition to innovative development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

d) in the sphere of nature and the environment stands increase technological and human impact on the environment with increased probability of reaching its limits in some areas adjacent to the Russian Federation the Arctic Ocean, as well as in certain regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, particularly characterized by the presence of adverse areas, potential sources of contamination, high levels of accumulated environmental damage.

6. The Strategy is the implementation of national interests and to achieve the main objectives of the national policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic by solving the basic problems with the strategic priorities set out in the Principles, the national security and sustainable socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

III. Development Priorities and key activities

7. Priority areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and national security are:

a) integrated socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

b) the development of science and technology;

c) the establishment of a modern information and telecommunications infrastructure;

g) environmental security;

d) international cooperation in the Arctic;

e) provision of military security, protection, and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation in the Arctic.

8. Comprehensive socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Fundamental to improving the system of government social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the quality of life of the indigenous population and social conditions, economic activity in the Arctic, the development of the resource base of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation through the use of promising technologies, modernization and infrastructure development of the Arctic transport system, modern information and telecommunication infrastructure and fishing industry.

9. In order to improve the system of state management of social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation shall provide for:

a) Development and implementation of a system of state support and stimulation of economic entities operating in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, particularly in the development of hydrocarbon resources, other minerals and water resources, through the introduction of innovative technologies, the development of transport and energy infrastructure, modern information and telecommunication infrastructure, improvement of customs tariff and tax regulations;

b) promotion of new projects of economic development of the Arctic territories through their co-financing from the budgets of the various levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation and extrabudgetary sources;

c) optimization of economic mechanisms of the "northern delivery" through the use of renewable and alternative, including local energy sources, reconstruction and modernization of exhausted power plants, the introduction of energy-saving materials and technologies;

d) the development and testing of models of integrated coastal zone management in the Arctic regions;

e) development of Arctic tourism and expansion of environmentally friendly tourism activities in the Arctic. Improving the regulatory framework of tourism, establishment of its financial support on the basis of public-private partnerships, promotion of regional tourism clusters Arctic tourism promotion at the national and international markets;

e) power differentiation schemes, including the construction of nuclear power plants, including floating;

g) improving energy efficiency, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, as well as providing non-volatility of small remote communities, the development and implementation of projects in the field of energy conservation and efficiency, including through international cooperation;

h) the establishment and development of an effective waste management system of production and consumption in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, their maximum into the commercial production, the restriction of import of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, production, packaging, recycling is economically and technologically is not ensured;

i) the establishment of integrated security system for the protection of territory, population and critical facilities Arctic zone of the Russian Federation of emergency situations of natural and man-made, including the development and implementation of projects in the exploration and development of the Arctic continental shelf and coastal areas, and other major infrastructure projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

a) Promoting sustainable consumer demand for high-tech products, innovative technologies, materials and services in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation with regard to the need to create the infrastructure for production of hydrocarbons, including by improving the system of public procurement and purchasing state-owned companies and natural monopolies;

l) the development of a system for monitoring geophysical conditions in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in order to minimize the impact of extreme geophysical processes (natural and artificial) on the human environment, including communications, navigation, transport and energy infrastructure, as well as the operation of the Northern Sea Route and safety transit and transpolar air routes in the Arctic.

10. In order to improve the quality of life of people living and working in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including indigenous peoples, improving their social and cultural services, as well as providing positive demographic processes and the necessary social conditions for economic activities are provided:

a) the modernization of social infrastructure, including educational institutions, healthcare and culture, as well as the development of housing, including within the framework of the implementation of priority national projects;

b) the updating and upgrading of the housing stock, fixed assets Housing on the basis of energy saving technologies;

c) ensuring access throughout the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation to the modern information and telecommunication services;

d) ensuring the availability and quality of medical care to the population, including through improved primary care and primary health care in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the use of country vehicles and aircraft for sanitary -Air evacuation of patients, the development of technologies for remote panel of doctors;

e) the development of health care, to preserve and promote the health of the population, eliminating the harmful effects of environmental factors, preventing the occurrence and spread of diseases, early detection of the causes and circumstances, as well as the formation and implementation of health promotion programs;

e) the development of education, provision of training, retraining and advanced training in higher and secondary education to work in the Arctic with the existing and projected need for specialists in the field of marine geology, hydrocarbon production and processing, marine biotechnology, information and communication technology and other specialties;

f) improving educational programs for indigenous Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, especially as it relates to preparing children for life in a modern society with a full mastery of skills policies for extreme environments, including equipping of educational institutions and remote areas means of distance learning;

h) a balanced labor market, updating social guarantees and compensation for people working and living in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

i) provision of employment on the basis of re bodied unemployed, government support of various forms of self-employment and entrepreneurship, particularly in single-industry towns and villages of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and of the indigenous peoples;

a) Differential regulation of migration by age and qualifications of migrants, as well as increased survival skills and reduce the social costs of external migration in shifts;

l) active formation in cities, small villages and towns new affordable for all segments of the population, and mobile multi cultural institutions (socio-cultural centers, cultural and sports facilities, information intelligence centers, mobile library);

m) improving the regulatory framework that promotes the rationalization of property relations in the sphere of culture and promotion of business through the development of a system of grants, sponsoring institutions, copyright, sponsorship, insurance, tax, and other specific sources of funding of social and cultural projects, including in the framework of the concession practice , a system of regional charities, investment and venture capital funds in the field of culture;

n) ensuring ethno-cultural development of indigenous peoples, protection of their original environment and traditional way of life;

a) sound environmental management and development of environmentally friendly tourism in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities of indigenous peoples;

n) Develop a set of measures to develop the traditional economy that strengthen employment and self-employment of indigenous peoples through the mobilization of domestic resources of households and communities, and their active support from the government, business and non-profit organizations, including the use of public procurement of products of traditional economic Indigenous peoples.

11. For effective use and development of the resource base of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, could do much to meet the needs of Russia in the hydrocarbon resources and water resources, and other types of strategic raw materials, comprising:

a) the formation of the integrated project study of the continental shelf and coastal areas, the preparation of hydrocarbon resources to develop them on the basis of the state program of exploration of the continental shelf and the development of its mineral resources, providing a significant increase in the balance of mineral resources of the Arctic offshore fields;

b) the reserve fund deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation to guarantee energy security and sustainable development of the energy sector in the long term, the period of substitution of declining production in traditional areas of development after 2020;

c) organization in order to provide medium-and long-term domestic and export needs of the Russian Federation in the non-ferrous, precious metals and precious and scarce types of mineral raw materials, effective mining of chrome, manganese, tin, bauxite, uranium, titanium, zinc islands in the Arctic Ocean, the Kola Peninsula, in the mountains of the Polar Urals, Native gold deposits of the eastern regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the basis of large investment projects using the latest technologies and services;

d) implementation of large infrastructure projects, which integrate the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation with the developed regions of Russia, the development of the Timan-Pechora and hydrocarbon deposits on the continental shelf of the Barents, Pechora and Kara seas, the Yamal Peninsula and Gydan;

e) development projects in order to ensure the development of hydrocarbon deposits on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, science-based marine service complex, including the marine exploration, the use of fiber-optic and satellite communication systems, and monitoring systems, mobile radio communications and wireless access to information and telecommunications network "Internet" , means to hydrometeorological and environmental safety;

e) expanding the range, quality and competitiveness of the mining complex, the development of promising new fields, new processing facilities on the principles of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources and the introduction of energy saving technologies;

g) ensure the protection of public interest in the development of hydrocarbon deposits on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic;

h) the provision of training materials submitted to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, to validate the outer limit of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic.

12. In order to modernize and develop infrastructure Arctic transport system to retain the Northern Sea Route as a single national transmission backbone of the Russian Federation, provided:

a) the development of an integrated transport system of the Arctic Russian Federation as a national marine highway-oriented year-round operation, which includes the Northern Sea Route and gravitating toward it meridional river and railway communications and airport network;

b) the improvement of the transport infrastructure in the regions of Arctic continental shelf in order to diversify the main supply routes for Russian hydrocarbons to world markets;

c) the restructuring and growth of freight traffic along the Northern Sea Route, including through government support icebreaking ship construction, rescue and auxiliary vessels, as well as the development of coastal infrastructure;

d) improvement of the legal framework of the Russian Federation in the state regulation of navigation on the waters of the Northern Sea Route, its security, tariff regulation services for icebreaking and other types of support, and the development of mechanisms of insurance, including compulsory;

e) the improvement of the organizational structure of management and the safety of navigation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including through the development of an integrated Arctic transport and technological systems, including
a development of the maritime and other transport, as well as supporting infrastructure;

e) the establishment and development of complex safety of Arctic shipping traffic control in areas of heavy traffic of ships, including navigational and hydrographic, hydrometeorological, icebreaking and other types of support, the creation of complex rescue centers;

g) the development of the Russian icebreaker fleet using modern technologies in the framework of the state program of icebreakers, including nuclear power plants;

h) the modernization of Arctic ports and new port and industrial complexes in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the implementation of dredging the main thoroughfares of the Arctic river;

and) state support of the "northern delivery" of goods and export of products in transport schemes "river - sea", including the construction of transport of the vessels' northern delivery ";

a) the development of the railway network in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, providing increased capacity of existing and creation of new lines;

l) forming a support network of roads in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and members of the international transport corridors, ensuring their compliance with international standards in order to integrate with the Eurasian transport systems;

m) the development of an effective system of air service the Arctic, including the reconstruction and modernization of the airport network along the Northern Sea Route;

n) the development of small aircraft to meet the needs of air traffic and to ensure their availability in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

a) formation of modern transport and logistics hubs provide backbone and international transport on the basis of federal airports and regional airports in low-intensity operations;

n) technical equipment and arrangement of items across the state border of the Russian Federation in the Arctic;

p) the development and introduction of new vehicles adapted for use in arctic conditions.

13. To modernize the fishing industry in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation shall provide for:

a) the preservation and development of the resource potential of fisheries and implementation of technical upgrading and commissioning of new capacities for deep processing of aquatic biological resources and the development of marine biotechnology;

b) the effective use of key species of marine biological resources and the involvement of non-traditional fishing sites;

c) preventing and combating illicit production and trafficking of water biological resources.

14. In order to promote science and technology are provided:

a) the pooling of resources and capabilities of the state, business, science and education to build a competitive scientific and technological sector in the development and implementation of advanced technologies, including the development of new or adapting existing in Arctic conditions on the basis of relevant technology platforms;

b) Development of materials adapted to the climatic conditions of the Arctic, as well as introduction of means and equipment base, adapted for the polar research;

c) Development and implementation of new techniques and technologies in the field of environmental management, the development of offshore mineral resources and water resources, as well as the prevention and elimination of oil spills in ice conditions;

g) the implementation of a program of scientific research fleet of the Russian Federation, including deep research, including the use of deep-robotic systems;

e) The scientific basis of long-term prospects and the main directions of development of the various activities in the Arctic;

e) promote comprehensive research on the study of natural hazards, the development and introduction of new technologies and methods to predict in a changing climate;

g) the prediction and assessment of the impact of global climate changes in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors in the medium and long term, more sustainable infrastructure;

h) To conduct research on the history, culture and economy of the region, as well as the legal regulation of economic and other activities in the Arctic, including the purpose of documenting the presence of the Russian Federation has historical rights to individual waters of the Arctic seas;

i) to study the effect on health of environmental hazards, scientific evidence set of measures aimed at improving the living environment of the population and disease prevention;

a) the development of expeditionary activities for large-scale and complex research projects in the Arctic, including through international cooperation;

l) use of the opportunities for international scientific and technological cooperation, ensuring the participation of Russian scientific and educational organizations in the global and regional technology and research projects in the Arctic.

15. In the development of information technology and communication and the formation of a common information space in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation shall provide for:

a) the introduction of modern information and communication technologies and systems (including mobile) communications, broadcasting, traffic management and aviation, remote sensing of sea ice areal surveys, as well as the system of hydrometeorological and hydrographic support and provide scientific field research;

b) creation of a reliable system of communications services, navigation, meteorological and information services, including coverage of the ice conditions, providing prediction and prevention of natural and man-made disasters, response, effective control of economic and other activities in the Arctic, including through use of global navigation satellite system GLONASS and multipurpose space system "Arctica" modernization loran "RSDN-20" ("Route");

c) the establishment of a modern information and telecommunication infrastructure that enables the provision of services to the population and economic entities across the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including by laying underwater fiber-optic communication lines along the Northern Sea Route, and integration with networks of other countries.

16. In order to protect the environment and environmental security in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation shall provide for:

a) to ensure the conservation of biological diversity of Arctic Flora and Fauna in the expansion of economic activities and global climate change, including:
• The development and expansion of the Arctic protected areas and federal waters;
• The development and expansion of the Arctic protected areas of regional significance;
• monitoring of ecosystems and flora;

b) the development and expansion of the network of protected areas and water areas of the federal and regional level;

a) Elimination of the environmental damage caused by past economic, military and other activities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including the assessment of environmental damage caused and the implementation of measures to clean up the Arctic seas and lands from pollution;

d) minimize negative human impact on the environment of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation due to the current economic and other activities, including:
• The development, validation and implementation of measures to reduce threats to the environment caused by the expansion of economic activity in the Arctic, including the continental shelf (with the need to increase the responsibility of companies that use natural resources for environmental pollution, promote the development and adoption of new technologies that reduce the negative impact on the environment, reduce risk and minimize the consequences of technogenic emergencies);
• Measures to improve the efficiency of the federal state of environmental control on the objects of economic and other activities, located in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

e) improving public environmental monitoring in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, based on the use of objective and measurable indicators of the environmental assessment, the formation of surveillance systems and environmental pollution, using modern techniques for monitoring land-, air-and space-based, integrated with existing and Build international observing systems of the environment and ensuring the detection and prediction of dangerous and extreme natural phenomena in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including the adverse climate change, as well as early detection and prediction of natural and man-made disasters;

e) Development and implementation of economic mechanisms to encourage reproduction and rational use of mineral and biological resources, energy and resource conservation, utilization of associated gas in oil-producing regions.

17. In order to promote international cooperation and the preservation of the Arctic as a zone of peace are provided:

a) providing a mutually beneficial bilateral and multilateral cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Arctic states on the basis of international treaties and agreements to which the Russian Federation is increasing the efficiency of foreign economic activity;

b) reaction of the Russian Federation with the Arctic states in order to protect Russia's national interests and implementing acts under international rights of the coastal states in the Arctic region, including issues relating to the exploration and exploitation of the resources of the continental shelf and the establishment of its external borders;

c) combining the efforts of the Arctic states to create a single regional system for search and rescue, and to prevent man-made disasters and elimination of their consequences, including the coordination of rescue forces;

d) enhancing bilateral and regional organizations in the good neighborly relations between the Russian Federation and the Arctic states, the intensification of economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation as well as cross-border cooperation, including in the effective management of natural resources, preservation of the environment in the Arctic;

e) to ensure a mutually beneficial Russian presence, economic, and scientific activities on the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard;

e) To assist in the organization and efficient use of transit and cross-polar air routes in the Arctic, the use of the Northern Sea Route for international shipping under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation;

g) Enhancing the participation of Russian state organizations and associations in international forums on Arctic issues;

h) the implementation of the regular exchange of information on the environment, as well as data on the Arctic climate and its dynamics, the development of international cooperation in improving systems for meteorological observations in the Arctic climate, including from space;

i) organization of complex international research expeditions to study the environment (ice, pollution of marine waters, marine) and the influence of observed and projected climate change;

a) the development of the dialogue between the regions and the municipalities of northern countries to exchange experiences in the field of climate and energy policy;

l) the development of international tourism, including recreational, scientific, cultural, educational, environmental.

18. In order to ensure military security, defense and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation shall provide for:

a) providing a favorable operating conditions in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including the maintenance of the necessary level of combat readiness of troops (forces) of the total of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, in accordance with existing and predictable military dangers and military threats to the Russian Federation in the Arctic;

b) to ensure comprehensive combat and mobilization readiness level required and sufficient for solving non-military pressure and aggression against the Russian Federation and its allies, to ensure the sovereign rights of Russia's Arctic and features the smooth implementation of all of its activities, including the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic, to neutralize internal and external military dangers and military threats in peacetime, providing strategic deterrence, and in the event of armed conflict - repel aggression and cessation of hostilities on terms that meet the interests of the Russian Federation;

c) to improve the structure, composition, military, economic, and logistical support to the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, the development of the infrastructure of their home in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as a system of operational equipment in the area for the deployment of troops ( forces) designed to perform tasks in the Arctic;

d) improvement of control of air space and surface conditions;

e) use of dual-use technologies for the benefit of a comprehensive approach to defense, security and sustainable socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

e) a hydrographic work in order to determine the need for changes in the list of geographical coordinates of points defining the position of the baseline for measuring the breadth of the territorial waters and economic zone and the continental shelf.

IV. Mechanisms for the implementation of the Strategy

19. Sustainable socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the basis of systems of interaction between government, business and non-profit organizations and civil society through public-private partnership in the implementation of key investment projects, the state's participation in the infrastructural limitations of economic development, solving social problems, and also create economic incentives business.

20. The main mechanisms for the implementation of the strategy are:

a) State program of social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020;

b) other public programs of the Russian Federation, federal and departmental target programs and sectoral strategies, regional and municipal programs, programs of large companies, with activities aimed at the comprehensive development of the territory of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

21. Priorities in the field of military security, defense and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation to ensure the realization of the State Program of arms for 2011 - 2020 years, the state defense order, public programs of the Russian Federation, federal and departmental target programs and plans for implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation Arctic.

22. The scope of work and the volume of their funding from the federal budget is determined by the development of state programs of the Russian Federation, federal and departmental target programs as well as in the preparation of non-program nature of activities that implement the Strategy within the budget provided for the interested federal bodies of executive power in the federal budget for the financial year and the planning period.

23. Extra-budgetary financial support of the Strategy is a public-private partnership, with the resources of development institutions, international financial institutions and foreign investments into the future of infrastructure, social, innovation, environmental and other projects.

24. Expected to improve the legal framework in the area of developing the foundations of governance of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the legislative recognition of its status as a special object of state regulation, specifying the list of municipalities whose territories are included in its composition, as well as in the establishment of special modes of nature and environmental protection, regulation of shipping along the Northern Sea Route.

25. Task of preserving the traditional way of living and ethno-cultural development of the indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic will be decided on the basis of the Russian Government approved the Concept of Sustainable Development of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russian Federation. Steps will be taken to improve the regulatory order of the traditional fishery, establishment and operation of indigenous communities, land use and protection in places of traditional residence and economic activity.

26. Improving the efficiency of the public administration of the Russian Federation in the Arctic will provide better coordination of public authorities at all levels, and the inclusion of social development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the long-term strategy of socio-economic development of the federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation, as well as sector strategies and programs.

27. The implementation of activities under the Strategy provides for a system for monitoring and analysis of national security and the level of socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, with the release of her self as an object of state statistical observations.

V. Stages of Implementation Strategy

28. Strategy implementation is carried out in two stages.

29. The first phase of the Strategy (2015) provides:

a) the creation of the necessary conditions for strengthening national security through the integrated development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including the improvement of the legal framework and improving governance, coordination of all stakeholders of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic, the development and implementation of economic incentives, active state development institutions;

b) the formation and implementation of the state's social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020;

a) completion of hydrographic and formation on the basis of the results of proposals on the need to amend or revise the list of geographical coordinates of points defining the position of the baseline for measuring the breadth of the territorial waters and economic zone and the continental shelf;

d) providing international legal registration outer limit of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Ocean, to prevent the loss of spatial and worst compared to other Arctic coastal states legal environment in the Russian Federation in the Arctic;

d) the establishment and development of the Coast Guard of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

e) The establishment of an integrated information and telecommunications infrastructure (central processing, transmission and storage of data, and mobile networks, wireless and satellite communications and data) to provide services (the network "Internet", television, communication, etc.) to public authorities, individuals and legal entities;

f) the development of the rescue preparedness, including the establishment of integrated rescue centers;

h) the development of a unified national system of monitoring and pollution of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, in sync with similar international systems;

i) provision of basic, problem-oriented and applied research in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including those based on core technology platforms, creation of modern scientific and geographic information management framework Arctic territories, including the development of tools to meet the challenges of defense and security, and reliable operation life support systems and production activities in the climatic conditions of the Arctic;

a) the implementation of measures to ensure environmental security in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including the priority projects for the environmental consequences of past economic and other activities, as well as the rehabilitation of the Arctic seas of nuclear and radioactive facilities;

l) the identification of measures of state support for traditional economy of indigenous peoples in the Arctic.

30. In the second phase (2020), a transition to a sustainable innovative socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

31. In the second stage provided by:

a) implementation of the competitive advantages of the Russian Federation in the field of the development of mineral resources of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic;

b) the development of border infrastructure Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the retooling of federal border security;

c) The creation and development of a unified system of integrated control surface situation involving federal executive authorities, exercising their powers in the field of national security of the Russian Federation in the Arctic;

d) development of integrated security system for the protection of territory, population and critical facilities Arctic zone of the Russian Federation from the threats of natural and man-made disasters;

d) the establishment and development of multipurpose space system "Arctic", the modernization of loran "RSDN-20" ("Route");

e) development of infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route and the Navy, including icebreakers, for solving the transport of arctic areas, and Eurasian transit;

g) the implementation of measures to ensure the long-term sustainable use of marine biological resources of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including the more efficient use of the capacity of water biological resources of the Arctic seas;

h) the reduction and prevention of adverse effects on the environment of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

i) the completion of a modern information and telecommunications infrastructure for the formation of a single information space of the Russian Federation.

32. Implementation of the Strategy will provide a comprehensive building competitive advantages of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in order to strengthen the position of the Russian Federation in the Arctic and greater international security, peace and stability, as well as increased international cooperation.

33. At all stages of implementation of the Strategy includes measures aimed at the rational use of resources and the preservation of the natural environment of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, based on its systematic comprehensive research study.

VI. The main characteristics of social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the national security

34. The main characteristics of social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the national security include:

a) The ratio of additional financial resources (including foreign investment) for projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation due to the development of public-private partnership, the intensification of international cooperation and the total allocation of the federal budget for these purposes;

b) the ratio of the incomes of 10 percent and the richest 10 percent of the least well Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (regional decile coefficient);

c) the share of renewable sources of reproduction of the resource base (including electricity) in the total resource base (including in the energy and power consumption) of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

d) turnover along the Northern Sea Route;

e) the availability of air ratio in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

e) The rate of natural increase of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (1000);

g) the proportion of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, with access to meet sanitary and epidemiological norms drinking water supply, the total population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

h) the proportion of contaminated (no treatment) and insufficiently treated wastewater from the total amount of wastewater discharged into surface water bodies;

i) the proportion of reclaimed land of the total area of land affected by the breach, including the land, exposed to radioactive and chemical contamination in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

a) the number of rare and endangered species of animals listed in the Red Book of Russia, living in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

l) the proportion of the population using the network "Internet", the total population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

m) the amount of economic loss avoided as a result of the search and rescue operations;

n) the share of high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation;

a) the number of expeditions to marine research, marine resource studies (living and non-living resources) in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

n) the share of modern weapons, military and special equipment in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, of the total number of weapons, military and special equipment in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

35. The values of the main characteristics are defined in the development of the state's social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, and are calculated after isolation of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation as an independent object of statistical observation.

36. The level of socio-economic development and the national security of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is characterized by the following indicative macroeconomic indicators:

a) increasing the share of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation and in the structure of the country's exports;

b) increase in the share of the regional high-tech innovative products (and services) in total sales in the Russian Federation and export;

c) an increase in labor productivity growth in the enterprises of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

d) increase the balance of mineral reserves through exploration in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

d) an increase in the life expectancy of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russian Federation living in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

VII. Monitoring the implementation of the Strategy

37. Monitoring the implementation of the Strategy by the Government of the Russian Federation.

38. Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the Russian Federation shall provide system monitoring and analysis of the implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic. According to the decision of the Russian Government coordination to oversee the implementation of the Strategy by the authorized federal executive body or working body formed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

39. The Russian Federation is an annual report to the President of the Russian Federation on the progress and results of the Strategy.

the source of this English translation: http://www.iecca.ru/en/legislation/strategies/item/99-the-development-strategy-of-the-arctic-zone-of-the-russian-federation

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