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[ 发布时间]: 2020-01-21 [ 来源]: [ 阅读]:3049次

Order of the Ministry of Communications

(No. 7 [2007])


The Rules of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Vessel Visas, which were deliberated and adopted at the 6th executive meeting of the Ministry on May 9, 2007, are hereby promulgated for effect as of October 1, 2007.


Annex: Rules of the People's Republic ofChinaon the Administration of Vessel Visas

May 31, 2007



Rules of the People's Republic ofChinaon the Administration of Vessel Visas







(相关资料: 部门规章5篇地方法规4篇)












Chapter I General Provisions


第一章 总则





Article 1 The present Rules are formulated according to the Law of the People’s Republic ofChinaon the Safety of Maritime Transport andthe Regulation of the People’s Republic ofChinaon the Safety of Inland River Transport for the purpose of regulating the conducts relating to vessel visas and safeguarding the security of water transport.



  第一条 为规范船舶签证行为,保障水上交通安全,依据《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》和《中华人民共和国内河交通安全管理条例》,制定本规则。



Article 2 The present Rules shall apply to the issuance of vessel visas to the domestic vessels navigating within the waters of the People's Republic ofChina.

The present Rules do not apply to the military vessels, fishing vessels, and sports vessels. However, when the aforesaid vessels are engaged in profitable transportation, they shall apply for a vessel visa according to the provisions of the present Rules.


The term “vessel visa” as herein used in the present Rules refers to the administrative licensing act whereby the maritime affairs administrative organs examine vessels and vessel operators upon their application and issue a permit to those that satisfy the conditions for a vessel visa.



  第二条 国内航行船舶在中华人民共和国管辖水域内办理船舶签证,适用本规则。





Article 3 The Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) of the People's Republic ofChinashall take charge of the administration of vessel visa all through the whole country, and the maritime affairs administrative organs at various levels are specifically responsible for the administration of the vessel visas within their respective jurisdictions.



  第三条 中华人民共和国海事局主管全国的船舶签证管理工作。各级海事管理机构具体负责本辖区内的船舶签证管理工作。



The administration of vessel visas shall meet the principle of efficiency and facilitating people.



  第四条 船舶签证管理工作应当符合高效、便民的原则。


Chapter II Vessel Visas


第二章 船舶签证




Section 1 General Provisions



第一节  一般规定





Article 5 One shall apply to the maritime affairs organ for a vessel visa under any of the following circumstances unless it is otherwise differently provided for in the present Rules:

1. sailing from within a port to without the port;

2. sailing from without a port to within the port;

3. necessary to sail out of an in-port berth so as to sail within the port as so required by operations;

4. necessary to sail into an in-port berth so as to sail within the port as so required by operations;

5. sailing out of a vessel fixing plant or station or out-of-port operating site or on-sea operating platform;

6. sailing into a vessel fixing plant or station or out-of-port operating site or on-sea operating platform;


The vessel visas as described in Items 1, 3 and 5 of the preceding paragraph are referred to in general as departure visas, which the applicant shall have obtained within 24 hours prior to the vessel sets sail, while the vessel visas as described in Items 2, 4 and 6 of the preceding paragraph are referred to in general as arrival visas, which the applicant shall have obtained within 24 hours after the vessel arrives. Where a report has already been made to the maritime affairs administrative organ of the place of arrival about the vessel within 24 hours before the vessel arrives, the arrival visa and departure visa may be issued concurrently.



  第五条 除本规则另有规定外,船舶有下列情形之一的,应当向海事管理机构申请航次船舶签证:








(相关资料: 部门规章1篇)


Article6 Avessel visa shall be issued upon the request of the vessel or the business operator thereof. In the case of a towed vessel, its application for issuing a visa shall be filed by the towed vessel or the operator thereof, or be filed by the towing vessel or the operator thereof on its behalf.


The applicant may entrust someone else to apply for a vessel visa.



  第六条 船舶签证应当由船舶或者其经营人申请办理。被拖船可由被拖船或者其经营人申请,也可由拖船或者其经营人代为申请。




Article 7 The vessel for which an application for departure visa is filed shall be in a state of sea-worthiness or tow-worthiness.


A vessel or the operator thereof who applies for a vessel visa for the first time shall submit to the maritime affairs administrative organ the following materials:

1. vessel visa book;

2. electronic card of vessel information (for the applicable vessel);

3. certificate of vessel nationality;

4. certificate of vessel inspection;

5. minimum safety manning certificate;

6. seaman’s competence certificate;

7. certificate on prevention of oil pollution (for the applicable vessels);

8. duplicate of the vessel safety management certificate and the certificate on compliance with the corporate security management system (for the applicable vessels);

9. vessel safety inspection records;

10. certification on payment of or exemption from vessel port fees;

11. bill of declaration for the approved carriage of hazardous goods by vessel (for the applicable vessel);

12. captain’s pre-departure announcement and vehicle safe loading records (for the applicable vessel);

13. application form for convoy (for the applicable vessel); and

14. vessel operation license.

Where the information about the certificates as listed in Items 3 through8 inthe second paragraph has been recorded in the book of vessel visas of the maritime affairs administrative organ or been saved in the vessel electronic information card, such certificates may be exempted from submission.

The vessel operation certificate as mentioned in Item 14 of the second paragraph has to be submitted only for the visa application for the old transporting vessels engaged in domestic transportation. The issuer of vessel operation certificates shall provide the corresponding information of the vessel operation certificate to the maritime affairs administrative organ.



  第七条 申请办理出港签证的船舶,应当处于适航或者适拖状态。


















(相关资料: 部门规章1篇)


Article8 Avessel or vessel operator shall report truthful information when submitting application materials to the maritime affairs administrative organ, and shall be responsible for the truthfulness of such information.


A vessel or vessel operator may apply for a vessel visa by means of fax, email, electronic data interchange (EDI), etc., and may also report its arrival at the port by means of cable, telex, fax, mobile phone message, email, electronic data interchange (EDI), etc., and make corresponding records in the log book.


The report shall include the name, type, scale, total tonnage, draught, passenger or freight on board, the place to berth, etc.



  第八条 船舶或者其经营人向海事管理机构提交申请材料应当如实反映情况,并对申报内容的真实性负责。



(相关资料: 部门规章1篇)


Article 9 The maritime affairs administrative organ shall check if the application materials for a vessel visa are complete, whether they meet the requirements for application, whether there is any obvious sign of alteration or falsification, and whether they are submitted within the valid term, etc.


Where the maritime affairs administrative organ is doubtful about the genuineness of the application materials or receives any relevant exposure for offence, it shall assign people to make an onsite investigation.



  第九条 海事管理机构负责审查船舶签证的申请材料是否齐全、是否符合申报要求,是否有明显涂改或者伪造现象、是否在有效期内等形式要件。




Article 10 After receiving an application for vessel visa, the maritime affairs administrative organ shall process it according to the relevant provisions of the Procedural Provisions on the Implementation of Transport Administrative License.


The maritime affairs administrative organ shall process the applications for a single voyage visa on the spot. The visa officer shall remark in the vessel visa book whether the visa is approved, the number and date of the maritime administrative enforcement certificate, and the special seal for vessel visa shall be affixed. Where the application for vessel is disapproved, the reasons for disapproval shall be stated in the vessel visa book.



  第十条 海事管理机构收到船舶签证申请后,应当按照《交通行政许可实施程序规定》的有关规定办理。




Article 11 Where any of the following circumstances occurs, an application shall be filed for a new departure visa:

1. the captain or any of the seamen performing the corresponding duties changes;

2. any material change occurs to the structure of the vessel or any of the important equipment relating to the safety of voyage;

3. the area or line of voyage changes;

4. the vessel has failed to depart within 48 hours after the departure visa was issued.



  第十一条 船舶有下列情形之一的,应当重新申请出港签证:







Article 12 Where a vessel is not able to apply for a vessel visa according to the prescribed procedures due to such emergency as disaster relief, salvation, etc., it shall report to the maritime affairs administrative organ prior to its departure and shall make up the vessel visa within 24 hours after completing the task.



  第十二条 船舶由于抢险、救生等紧急事由,不能按照规定程序办理船舶签证的,应当在开航前向海事管理机构报告,并在任务完成后24小时内补办船舶签证。



Article 13 Where a vessel enters into or sails past a port temporarily due to reasons like sheltering from wind, waiting for the tide, or replenishment, etc., it shall be exempted from vessel visa, except:

1. the captain or any of the seamen performing the corresponding duties changes;

2. to embark or disembark passengers; or

3. to load or unload goods.



  第十三条 船舶因避风、候潮、补给等原因临时进港或者航经港区水域的,免于办理船舶签证。但有下列情形之一的除外:






Article 14 Where a barge-tug fleet finds it necessary to add or release any vessel halfway, the vessels added or released shall apply for a vessel visa, while other vessels in the fleet do not have to apply for a vessel visa.



  第十四条 拖驳船队在中途要加解驳船时,加、解的船舶应当申请船舶签证,拖驳船队其他船舶不再办理船舶签证。


Section II Special Provisions



第二节 特别规定





Article15 Avessel may apply for a short-term fix-term vessel visa instead of a voyage vessel visa if it is:

1. a vessel that sails within a fixed water area; or

2. a vessel that sails along a fixed route.


A vessel that sails within a fixed water area shall file an application to any of the maritime affairs administrative organs that has jurisdiction over the fixed water area, and a vessel that sails along a fixed route shall file a separate application to the maritime affairs administrative organ of the place where the port of departure and port of destination of the route is situated.



  第十五条 符合下列情形之一的船舶可以申请短期定期船舶签证取代航次船舶签证:




(相关资料: 部门规章1篇)


Article16 Avessel may apply to the maritime affairs administrative organ directly affiliated to the Ministry of Communications of the place where the hail port is situated or to the maritime affairs administrative organ affiliated to the provincial department of communications for an annual fixed-term vessel visa instead of a voyage vessel visa if it:

1. is a vessel with good faith in safety;

2. has been equipped with and uses an automatic identification system as required;

3. has submitted as required a report of arrivals and departures of the previous year during the prescribed term of visa; and

4. has entered into an agreement on the payment of port fees with a relevant financial institution.



  第十六条 符合下列情形的船舶可以向船籍港所在地的交通部直属的海事管理机构或者省级交通主管部门所属的海事管理机构申请年度定期船舶签证取代航次船舶签证:







Article 17 To apply for a fix-term vessel visa, one shall submit certification materials to prove that it meets the requirements as described in Article 15 or16 inaddition to the materials as provided for in Article 7 of the present Rules.



  第十七条 办理定期船舶签证,除需要提交本规则第七条规定的材料外,还应当提交证明其符合第十五条或者第十六条规定情形的证明材料。



Article 18 The maritime affairs administrative organ shall finalize the processing of the application for a short-term fixed-term vessel visa within 7 work days of accepting an application, and shall finalize the processing of the application for an annual fixed-term vessel visa. Where it approves an application for a fixed-term vessel visa, it shall remark in the vessel visa book the valid term of the visas, the area of voyage or the route.


The valid term of a short-term fixed-term vessel visa shall not be any longer than 3 months. An annual fixed-term vessel visa shall be effective countrywide, and shall be valid for a term of 12 months.


A passenger vessel and a vessel that carries hazardous goods can only apply for a short-term fixed-term vessel visa whose valid term is not longer than a month.



  第十八条 海事管理机构应当在受理申请之日起7个工作日内办结短期定期船舶签证,在20个工作日内办结年度定期船舶签证。准予定期船舶签证的,还应当在船舶签证簿内注明签证的有效期限、航行区域或者航线。





Article 19 Where a vessel sails beyond the valid term of the fixed-term vessel visa or the approved area of voyage or route, or any other content as approved in the visa changes, it shall apply for a voyage vessel visa according to the provisions of Section I of the present Chapter.



  第十九条 船舶超出定期船舶签证的有效期限、核定航区或者航线航行的,或者签证核定的其他内容发生变化的,应当按照本章第一节的规定申请航次船舶签证。



Article20 Avessel which has obtained a fixed-term vessel visa shall, when carrying out any of the activities as provided for in Article 5 of the present Rules, report to the maritime affairs administrative organ about itself according to the ways and contents as provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 8 of the present Rules.



  第二十条 获得定期船舶签证的船舶,在从事本规则第五条规定的活动时,应当按照本规则第八条第二款、第三款规定的方式和内容,向海事管理机构报告船舶情况。


Chapter III Vessel Visa Books



第三章 船舶签证簿





Article21 Avessel visa book is a documentation used for the exclusive purpose of vessel visas as well as a proof for recording the visas that the vessel has applied for. No entity or individual other than the maritime affairs administrative organ may detain or capture any vessel visa book, nor may it or he make any remark in the vessel visa book.


The format and contents of the vessel visa books and the specimens of the vessel visa seals shall be exclusively provided for by the Maritime Safety Administration of the People's Republic of China.



  第二十一条 船舶签证簿是办理船舶签证的专用文书,是记载船舶办理签证情况的证明文件,必须随船妥善保管。除海事管理机构外,任何单位、人员不得扣留、收缴船舶签证簿,也不得在船舶签证簿上签注。




Article 22 The issuance, change or make-up issuance of vessel visa books shall be conducted upon the application of the vessels or operators thereof filed to the maritime affairs administrative organ.


Where a vessel applies for a vessel visa book for the first time and applies for a new vessel visa book subsequent to the change in the owner, operator or name of the vessel, it shall apply to the maritime affairs administrative organ of the hail port.


A vessel whose vessel visa book is missing or lost shall apply to the maritime affairs administrative organ of the hail port for making it up. When applying for making up a vessel visa book, it shall submit a photocopy of its recent vessel visa application form as approved by the maritime affairs administrative organ.


Where a vessel visa book is used up or cannot be used any more due to defiling, it may apply to the maritime affairs administrative organ of the hail port or place where the visa was issued to change one. When applying for changing one, it shall return the original vessel visa book.



  第二十二条 船舶签证簿由船舶或者其经营人向海事管理机构书面申请核发、换发、补发。






Article 23 Where the requirements of the present Rules are met, the maritime affairs administrative organ shall issue, change or make up a vessel visa book on the spot.


When issuing, changing or making up a vessel visa book, the maritime affairs administrative organ shall record the general information of the vessel in the vessel visa book, and shall affix the seal of the maritime affairs administrative organ to it. Where the vessel visa book is changed by the maritime affairs administrative organ of a place other than the hail port, the change of vessel visa book shall be reported to the maritime affairs administrative organ of the hail port in writing.



  第二十三条 符合本规则要求的,海事管理机构应当当场核发、换发、补发船舶签证簿。




Article24 Avessel may request the maritime affairs administrative organ of the hail port or the place of visa to record the information of the vessel certificates and seaman certificates in the vessel visa book, and shall submit the corresponding certificates when filing the request.


If the request meets the relevant requirements, the maritime affairs administrative organ shall record down in the vessel visa book the relevant information about the vessel certificates and seaman certificates, and write down the number and date of the maritime law enforcement certificate and affix the seal of the maritime affairs administrative organ.



  第二十四条 船舶可以向船籍港或者签证地海事管理机构申请在船舶签证簿内记载船舶证书和船员证书的信息,并应当在申请时交验相应证书。




Article25 Avessel visa book shall be used continuously, kept intact and may not miss any page or unlawfully altered. A vessel visa book shall be kept on the vessel for two years after it is used up.


Where a vessel is discarded as useless or is lost or the owner or operator of the vessel changes or the name of the vessel changes, the vessel shall hand its visa book back to the maritime affairs administrative organ of the hail port for write-off.



  第二十五条 船舶签证簿应当连续使用,保持完整,不得缺页或者擅自涂改。使用完毕后,应当在船保存两年。




Article 26 No vessel may falsify, change, or lease any vessel visa book or use any other vessel’s visa book or obtain a vessel visa book by fraudulent means.



  第二十六条 船舶不得伪造、变造、租借、冒用、骗取船舶签证簿。


Chapter IV Supervision, Inspection, and Legal Liabilities



第四章 监督检查与法律责任





Article 27 Maritime affairs administrative organs shall strengthen their supervision and inspection to the vessel visas. The relevant entities and individuals shall offer assistance and show cooperation in the supervision and inspections carried out by the maritime affairs administrative organs, and shall not refuse, impede or obstruct the process of supervision and inspection.



  第二十七条 海事管理机构应当加强对船舶签证的监督检查。海事管理机构实施监督检查时,有关单位和个人应当予以协助和配合,不得拒绝、妨碍或者阻挠。



Article 28 Where a maritime affairs administrative organ finds that any vessel has failed to obtain a vessel visa according to the relevant provisions, it shall order it to obtain one, and may order it to accept investigation and punishment at a designated place. If the vessel refuses to make correction, it may adopt such measures as prohibiting its sailing into or out of the port or order it to stop voyage, etc.



  第二十八条 发现船舶未按照规定办理船舶签证的,海事管理机构应当责令船舶办理签证,并可以责令船舶到指定地点接受查处;拒不改正的,可以采取禁止进港、离港或者停止航行等措施。

(相关资料: 部门规章1篇)


Article 29 Where a vessel is found not to meet the conditions for issuing a fixed-term vessel visa any more, it shall be demanded to apply for a voyage visa according to Section I, Chapter II of the present Rules, and a notice shall be circulated to the maritime affairs administrative organ that approved the fixed-term vessel visa to cancel the fixed-term visa of the vessel in question.



  第二十九条 发现船舶不再满足办理定期船舶签证条件的,应当要求船舶按照第二章第一节的规定办理航次船舶签证,并通知准予定期船舶签证的海事管理机构撤销有关船舶的定期船舶签证。



Article 30 Where a vessel is found to have obtained its visa by unfair means before it departed from the port, the maritime affairs administrative organ shall revoke the vessel visa and record down in the vessel visa book the reasons and the date of revocation, and shall affix its seal. If the vessel has already departed from the port, the maritime affairs administrative organ shall make an investigation so as to impose a punishment upon it or notify the maritime affairs administrative organ of the next stop of the vessel to investigate and punish it.



  第三十条 发现船舶以不正当手段取得船舶签证,尚未出港的,海事管理机构应当撤销船舶签证,并在船舶签证簿内签注撤销的原因、日期,加盖印章;已经出港的,海事管理机构应当进行调查处理或者通知下一抵达地的海事管理机构进行调查处理。

(相关资料: 部门规章1篇)


Article31 Amaritime affairs administrative organ shall, in the process of supervision and inspection, record in the vessel visa book and inform the maritime affairs administrative organ of the hail port if:

1. the vessel is given a maritime administrative punishment;

2. the vessel has incurred a water traffic accident or pollution accident; or

3. the vessel is prohibited from departing from the port.


The maritime affairs administrative organ of the hail port shall record down the aforesaid information it has received and offer assistance in investigation and punishment.



  第三十一条 海事管理机构在监督检查过程中对下列事项应当在船舶签证簿中予以记载,并通报船籍港海事管理机构:







Article 32 Where a vessel shall be given an administrative punishment due to violation of the provisions on vessel visa, it shall be punished according to the rules of the Ministry of Communications on maritime administrative punishment.



  第三十二条 船舶违反船舶签证管理规定应当给予行政处罚的,按照交通部颁布的海事行政处罚规定执行。

(相关资料: 部门规章1篇)


Article 33 Any functionary of any maritime affairs administrative organ who abuses his power, practices favoritism or neglects his duties shall be given an administrative sanction by the entity where he works or the next higher organ. If any crime has been constituted, he shall be delivered to the judicial organ for criminal liabilities.



  第三十三条 海事管理机构的工作人员有滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守等行为的,由其所在单位或者上级机关依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。


 Chapter V Supplementary Provisions



第五章 附则








Article 34 The term “vessel with good faith in safety” as used in the present Rules refers to a vessel which meets the following requirements and is regarded by the Maritime Safety Administration of the People's Republic of China as a vessel with good faith in safety:

1. it is found to have a good record in the recent vessel safety inspection or in the supervision and inspection of the country of port during a period of twelve months, and has no serious defect;

2. it has obtained a SMC for two years or more and has not been imposed a track-up inspection or additional inspection during the recent three years;

3. it has not incurred any safety accident or pollution accident during the recent three years;

4. it has not been given any maritime administrative punishment during the recent three years; and

5. it is a vessel not as old as 12 years, and it has not been held up in the vessel safety inspections or the supervision and inspections of the country of port during the recent three years; or, if the vessel is twelve years old or older, it has not been held up in the vessel safety inspections or the supervision and inspections of the country of port during the recent five years.



  第三十四条 本规则所称安全诚信船舶,是指符合下列条件,被中华人民共和国海事局评定为安全诚信的船舶:








Article35 Amaritime affairs administrative organ shall gradually establish and perfect its platform of basic data for the management of vessels and seamen in the issuance of vessel visas so as to facilitate the applications for visas by vessels or vessel operators and their report for departing from or arrival at the port.



  第三十五条 海事管理机构应当逐步建立、完善有关办理船舶签证所需的船舶、船员管理等基础数据平台,方便船舶或者其经营人办理签证和进出港报告。



Article 36 Where the Ministry of Communications has promulgated any special provision on the visa of special vessels such as high-speed vessels and roll-on vessel, such special provisions shall prevail.



  第三十六条 交通部对高速客船、滚装船等特殊船舶的签证有特别规定的,适用特别规定。



Article 37 The present Rules shall become effective as of October 1, 2007, and the Rules of the People's Republic of China on Vessel Visas (Order No. 3 [1993] of the Ministry of Communications as issued by the Ministry of Communications on May 17, 1993 shall be repealed concurrently.






  第三十七条 本规则自2007年10月1日起施行。1993年5月17日交通部发布的《中华人民共和国船舶签证管理规则》(交通部令1993年第3号)同时废止。

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