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Shanghai Social Science Innovation Research Base“Research Base on National Marine Strategy and Rights”

Shanghai Social Science Innovation Research Base is an ideological base, information base and talent pool to provide decision-making advices and intellectual support for Shanghai municipal government. Founded in December, 2015, Shanghai Social Science Innovation Research Base “Research Base on National Marine Strategy and Rights” was approved by Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Planning Office, Its establishment relies on KoGuan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Research Center for Rule of Ocean Law Studies and SJTU - Center for Polar and Deep Ocean Development.

Focusing on national marine rights, interests and strategic research, the base has gathered interdiscipline such as law, international relations, history, geography and other marine related disciplines. The base faces with the major issues on the national marine territory which are closely linked to the hot spots for development, and is committed to innovation research on ocean strategy and the rights and interests. At the same time, the base is cultivating high-end ocean-related personnel by making full use of the accumulations of advantages and achievements of the existing conditions, so as to lay a foundation for the development of related disciplines. The base has been providing new ideas and concepts for national maritime strategies and escort for the establishment of China maritime power.

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