Publications Current location:Home >> Research >> Publications
XUE Gui-fang, YU Hai-tao: The optimization of local marine a... [06-07]
Xue Gui-fang: Blue Contest: a Big Game to Safeguard the Righ... [06-07]
ZHANG Guo-bin: The scope of the compulsory arbitration in th... [06-07]
Ji Weidong:The new paradigm of social science research on le... [06-07]
Ji Weidong: On Legal Ideology [06-07]
Wang Xi, Zhang Chujia: Thought of the Improvement in Chinas ... [06-07]
XUE Gui-fang,ZHENG Jie:Safeguarding Rights and Interests in... [06-07]
 1 pages, Current Page 1 of 7 Records

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