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Ji Weidong

[ Release time]: 2016-07-13 [ source]: [reading]:1346次

The professor Weidong Ji is the director of Shanghai University Think-Tank "Research Base on National Marine Rights and Strategy" and Shanghai Social Science Innovation Research Base "Research Base on National Marine Rights and Strategy". 

Education: LL.B., Peking University, China, 1983; LL.M., Kyoto University, Japan, 1987; Dr. Jur., Kyoto University, Japan, 1993. 

Career: Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Kobe University, Japan, 1990-1996; Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kobe University, Japan, 1996-2008; Professor Emeritus, Kobe University, Japan, since 2009. Dean and KoGuan Chair Professor of the Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, since 2008.

Visiting Scholar, Stanford Law School, U.S.A., 1991-92; Board Member Co-opted of Research Committee on Sociology of Law, The International Sociological Association, 1994-2002; Member of Council of the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law, Japan, 1999-2011; Researcher and Member of Planning Committee, International Institute of Advanced Studies, Japan, 2006-2009; Fellow of the Virtual Center for Advanced Studies in Institution, the Tokyo Foundation, Japan, since 2007; Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Public Policy, China’s Research Committee Economic System Reform, China, since 2008; the Director of the Law and Society Center of SJTU, China since 2009; Vice Chairman of the Guiding Committee of Legal Education, the Ministry of Education, China since 2013; Chairman of Shanghai Law and Society Association, since 2014; Co-Editors-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Law and Society, since 2014; Member of Global Agenda Council on Justice, World Economic Forum, since 2014. 

Research interests: sociology of law, comparative law, constitutional law, judicial system, etc.

Major books:

( 1 )   A Hypermodern Law (Kyoto: Minerva Press, 1999);

( 2 )   Constructing Rule of Law (Beijing: China University of Law and Political Sciences Press, 1999);

( 3 )   Legal Change in Modern China (Tokyo: Japan Review Press, 2001);

( 4 )   New Views on Constitutionalism (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2002, enlarged edition, 2005);

( 5 )   The Composition of Chinese Judicial System (Tokyo: Yuhikaku Press, 2004);

( 6 )   The Significance of Legal Procedures (Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, 2004);

( 7 )   Orbit of Thinking Justice (Beijing: Law Press, 2007);

( 8 )   At Critical Point of Order and Chaos (Beijing: Law Press, 2008);

( 9 )   Switching the Institutions (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2009);

(10)  Rule of Law in Perspective (Beijing: Law Press, 2012);

(11)  Great Transformation and Rule of Law in China (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2013);

(12)  The Rule of Law, Order and Its Making (The Commercial Press, enlarged edition, 2014);

(13)  The Road to The Rule of Law: Social Diversity and Authority System (Beijing: Law Press, 2014);

(14) Rule of Law in China (Beijing: CITIC Press, 2014), etc.

European language articles:

(1)  “The Sociology of Law in China: Overview and Trends” in Law and Society Review(U.S.A.) Vol.23 No.5(1990) pp.903-914;

(2) “The Transmutation and Inner Contradiction of Legal Culture in China”, RECHTSTHEORIE Beiheft 12, Monismus oder Pluralismus der Rechtskulturen?, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1991, pp.155-175;

(3)  “On Reflective Mechanism of Law Trial Implementation in China”, Hans G. Leserand & Tamotsu Isomura (eds.) Wege zum japanischen Recht, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1992, pp.753-769;

(4) “Professionalita e Dimensione Internationale Dell'avvocatura in Cina” (Traduzione dall'inglese di Maria Cristina Reale), in Sociologia del diritto (Italy) n.2, 1993, pp.99-121;

(5)  “Power and People in Relational Network: Dutton on Chinese Social Control", in Law and Society Review (U.S.A.) Vol.29 No.3 (1996) pp.553-562;

(6)  “Legal Aid in the People’s Republic of China: Past, Present and Future”, in L. G. Trubeck & J. Cooper (eds.) Educating for Justice Around the World; Legal Education, Legal Practice and the Community (Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 1999) pp.93-117;

(7)  “Toward a Theoretical Model of Social Control in Relational Networks”, in A. Febbrajo and others (eds.) European Yearbook in the Sociology of Law; Social Processes and Patterns of Legal Control (Giuffre Publisher, 2000) pp.279-302;

(8)  “Judicial Independence and the Values of Procedure”, in Social Sciences in China (the PRC., English Version) Vol.23 No.2 (2002) pp.96-106;

(9)  “Space of Choice and Judicial Discretion in China: A Perspective of Comparative Legal Culture” and “The Discretionary Power of the Judge: Regional Report China”, in M.Storme & B. Hess (eds.) Discretionary Power of the Judge: Limits and Control (Kluwer, 2003) pp. 561-597;

(10) “Legal Education in China: A Great Leap Forward of Professionalism”, Kobe University Law Review (international edition) Vol.39 (2006) pp.1-21;

(11) “To Take the Law as the Public: The Diversification of Society and Legal Discourse in Contemporary China”, in Stephanie Balme & Michael W. Dowdle (eds.) Building Constitutionalism in China (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) pp. 125-140;

(12)  “Definite Uncertainties and the Grand Design of the Legal System in China”, in Sam Meller and others (eds.) The Law of the Future and the Future of Law (Vol.II, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, 2012) pp. 233-244;

(13)  “The Judicial Reform in China: the Status Quo and Future Directions”, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Volume 20 Issue 1 (2013) pp.185-220;

(14)   "The Rule of Law in a Chinese Way: Social Diversification and Reconstructing the System of Authority", Asian Journal of Law and Society, Vol.1 No.2 (2014), etc.

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